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Applications Open for Food Justice Leadership Teach-In 2019

Dear community, Happy Spring forward!

We at the Hattie Carthan food projects are grateful for renewal, growth and expansion in our community work in 2019 and look forward to continuing our legacy of growing people and food from the ground up by offering a third season of Food justice leadership Teach Ins before our market and farm season begins.

We trust that each of you are doing as well as can be expected in our current political climate and that you are using this time to think deeply and organize your energy for intelligent action and community. Hopefully, deep inside your belly you are also sure that the time is here to stand up for justice and equity in all of our systems, institutions and society.

We are writing today to invite you to deepen your connection to our community beyond just being a recreational gardener or shopper who recognizes and purchases fresh, healthy food. We invite you to educate yourself against the arrogance of innocence in order to inform your own well-being and healthy community experience.

*Apply Online here*:

Application Deadline: March 20th 2019

Are you feeling angry, guilty, anxious, scared or alienated by the national political environment? Do you long to be involved with people or all races, genders and ages as we remember our humanity and common cause in our struggle against oppression?

Do you recognize your liberation as being tied to the least among us?

Are you struggling to understand what Race and Class has to do with anything and long to find out why we should even apply a Race/Class analysis to our food system work to ensure equity for communities?

Are you struggling with color blindness in a highly radicalized society that mistreats its black and brown people? Are you feeling anxious and afraid that you might be put on the spot or called out for being a Racist?

Are you a young person 16 years or older that wants to understand how Race and Class operates in our society, but none of the adults around you talk openly about Race or can offer responsible Racial dialogue? Welcome.

Stepping up your engagement with a grassroots,community organization in your neighborhood like The Hattie Carthan food projects is one way to turn these negative feelings into tangible positive action. if you've answered yes to any of the questions above and have time and Space for values based community building - Please join us as we embark on the third season of building our Food Justice Leadership Collective.

The Hattie Carthan Food justice Leadership collective is an intergenerational working group of engaged farmers providing transformational leadership food justice trainings to neighborhood residents, farm and market community and youth farmers while addressing food justice challenges within our community food projects work .


Please join urban farmer and senior sovereignty educator Yonnette Fleming and the Hattie Carthan Food Justice Leadership Collective as we expand this work in this geography.

Our fully embodied Teach In’s help neighborhood residents demystify food justice by deepening their understandings of race, class, equity and the food system, as a springboard for future work within the Hattie Carthan community food projects. Midway through, we'll spend two days together working on the land to understand and advance the Hattie Carthan food projects and ground our learning.


Program Reflections and Testimonials


What did you like best about the Food Justice course?

"I loved that we unpacked the history of racism and oppression

in the food system and in the history of people of color."


"Farmer Yon. I cannot even express my gratitude towards her.

Now, I truly understand what it means to learn using your five senses."

"This class will be in my heart and mind forever."



Part 1: Unpacking Food - The spirituality, history and politics of Food.


Food Justice Tenets & Principles / Race and Class in the dominant Food System / Community food systems

Exploring the Role of food justice In the shift from food security to food sovereignty

Sunday April 7th, Saturday April 13th and Sunday April 14th

10 am to 5pm, Location TBD

Part 2: Collective Workdays


Earth Day Seed Starting Garden Workday

Saturday April 20th, 10am to 5pm

Hattie Carthan Community Farmers Market/Garden - 363-365 Clifton Place at Marcy Ave


Earth Day Waking up the Farm Workday

Sunday April 21st, 10am to 5pm

Hattie Carthan Herban Farm - 49 Van Buren Street


Part 3: The Food Movement / Charting a Vision for Community Equity in the face of climate change/ Solutions / Feminine based leadership

Friday May 10th, Saturday May 11th, Sunday May 12th

10am to 5pm, Location TBD

Sliding Scale Fee: $100-$500

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The Hattie Carthan Community is named after Bedford-Stuyvesant environmental icon Hattie Carthan whose legacy is perpetuated in the community engagement of the Hattie Carthan Garden, Farm and Community Markets. Contact Us




363-365 Clifton Place at Marcy Ave

Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn 11221



49 Van Buren Street

Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn 11221


2019 © Hattie Carthan Community Garden and Farm


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