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2017 Earth Day Celebration! Mark Your Calendars for our Farm Workday and Seed Starting Workshops: Ap

Spring has arrived and Earth Day is just around the corner. We welcome the newness of spring with a waking of the farm workday and seed starting workshop at the Herban Farm on April 22nd and a Volunteer Day at the Community Market and Garden on April 23rd. See below for more details.

Come join Farmer Yon and meet our new Food Justice Collective as we start seeds for our season and delve into how to create your own seed starting mix, look at growing calendars and discussing the environment and needs necessary for hearty plants. We will also look at the loss in diversity of plant species in the Americas and learn about heirloom seeds and their importance.

Each participant takes home a plant start for their window sill or garden.

Hattie Carthan Herban Farm Saturday, April 22nd 2017 49 Van Buren Street, b/w Tompkins Ave and Throop Ave 12pm to 5 pm

Seed Starting Workshop: 12:30 pm - 2 pm

Agriculture Work Day: 2 pm - 5 pm

We will think deeply about seeds and about humans as seed and the environment as that necessary space for human development. We are grateful for all the humans that have stepped up to heal and repair and lead from a holistic place. There will be a volunteer sign-up table for humans looking to gather and build with values.

We will also have a workday in the Garden and Market. Lend a hand around the garden and market areas. We will be mulching, picking up trash, cleaning compost from coops, applying fresh compost side dressings to rows. Light carpentry skills are welcome to repair structures.

Hattie Carthan Community Market and Garden Sunday, April 23rd 2017 363-365 Clifton Place, Corner of Marcy Ave 12pm to 5 pm

A full weekend itinerary for Earth Day will be coming soon.

Big shout outs to all the community gardeners, urban farmers, green tribe.

Seed starting workshop Supporters: Jesse Noyes foundation NYC council member Robert Cornegy Con Edison - Workday Tools

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The Hattie Carthan Community is named after Bedford-Stuyvesant environmental icon Hattie Carthan whose legacy is perpetuated in the community engagement of the Hattie Carthan Garden, Farm and Community Markets. Contact Us




363-365 Clifton Place at Marcy Ave

Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn 11221



49 Van Buren Street

Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn 11221


2019 © Hattie Carthan Community Garden and Farm


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